The files referenced by a DISE Movie, such as images, videos and sounds, are held by resource containers. Under the hood, DISE's playback engine takes care of the resources in the Display Scheme or DISE Movie playing. It will dynamically allocate memory and moves file data onto the graphic card in due time it is needed. When no longer needed, data will be flushed from memory. Generally, this is not something a regular user of the system need care about. But in some circumstances tweaking the way DISE deals with resources is very important.
DISE Replay will by default cache the resources that the next 5 scenes in each channel will be using. This is set in the Playback tab in the DISE Replay Preferences. If you have a lot of short scenes and experience some stalling (see below) you may adjust this upwards. Remember that upping this value will also use more graphics card memory. In the settings for a channel it is possible to specify that the entire channel-wide scene cache should be loaded at startup.
The resource cache rules are reached from the Resources tab in the DISE Replay Preferences. There are 4 available resources to control: Effect (handles Effects), Image (image objects), Video (video, flash, sound & capture objects) & Web (web page objects) Resources.
Destroy item
Wait time (sec)
Update interval (ms)
Retry interval (sec)
Max loaded items
Load everything at playback start (Event mode)
The playback engine will save resources to files for quicker access. Clicking the button will remove the cached file from the system.
Note: The resource cache is located in %LOCALAPPDATA%\Temp\DISE\DISE 8\ResourceCache.
During playback in Replay, the Stalled status may appear, either temporarily or permanently. It means that one or more resources necessary have failed to load or are in the process of loading. If permanent, use the Resource and File information dialog, found from Information > Resource info in the system menu, to locate any resources that cannot load. Often it is a missing codec causing the problem.