DISE settings files

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DISE stores most of its settings as regular text files in a standard folder structure. If a DISE application cannot find its settings file, a new file will be created.


Settings files for most DISE Pro applications will be stored in the following folder: "%LOCALAPPDATA%\DISE\DISE 8" (in Windows XP it is "%USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\Application Data\DISE\DISE 8"). In the default case, application-specific settings are per-user.

Lightbulb.png Note: The "Application Data" folder is a hidden folder. Select to show hidden files to view the folder.

Setting files that apply to all applications/users as well as the license file are stored in the folder "%PROGRAMDATA%\DISE\DISE 8" (in Windows XP, "%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Application Data\DISE\DISE 8") A particularly important file is the DISEGlobal.settings file where different paths to where DISE is to find system files are stored.

Several of the DISE applications may have its settings overriden by a command line parameter.

Copy settings

The Zip/Unzip Settings applications make moving settings between PCs easier.

  1. Extract the applications in the zip below to a USB drive.
  2. Insert the USB drive and run the DISE8ZipSettings.exe application on the player you want to move settings from.
    It will create a zip file in the same directory as the exe.
  3. Insert the USB drive and run the DISE8UnzipSettings.exe application on the player you want to move settings to.
    It will unzip the zip file and put it in the relevant locations on the new PC.

Attach.png Download: File:MoveSettings.zip

DISE Premium

In DISE Cloud, running the Premium player installer on a new PC will download all the relevant settings to the new machine.

DISE Parser

Settings files for DISE Parser are located in the folder "%PROGRAMDATA%\DISE\DISE Parser"

Misc. DISE applications

Most other DISE applications will have a "<Application Name>.settings" file that contains all the settings required. With a backup of this file you should be able to restore operation within minutes.


The DISEContent folder contains your Content, Library, Screen Definitions and similar files. By default the DISEContent folder is located in "C:\DISEContent".


Templates can be found in "<DISEContent-folder>\Templates".

Screen definitions

Screen definition files (*.screendef) can be found in "<DISEContent-folder>\System\Screen definitions".


Settings files for projects are saved in the "<DISEContent-folder>\System\Projects" folder. The Default (original) project can be found here but if you create a new local or shared project it will be found in its DISEContent structure (for example, "D:\MySharedContent\System\Projects"). Each file will have a unique ID, such as "0682E980-926E-440F-B858-531C51107DB2.diseproject". The default project is named "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000.diseproject". The project itself is stored as a .diseproject file and a .diseproject.local file. The .diseproject.local file contains information that is specific for this manager - this is important when sharing content - some paths and settings can and must differ between managers. The project contains the path to its destinations, which are themselves stored as separate files, with a .destination file extension.

If project backup is enabled, a zipped archive will be saved in "%LOCALAPPDATA%\DISE\DISE 8\Bridge\Backup".