Command line parameters

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Here are the available command line parameters for the different applications.


Parameter Action
/S Do a silent installation with the default values.
/SERVER Specify that DISE Control Center should start on system startup. The default behavior is to reboot.
/SERVERNOREBOOT Same as above, only that the player will not reboot.

DISE Ambience

Ambience.exe [Parameters]

Parameter Action
-U Start application without translation (in English).

DISE Bridge

Bridge.exe [Parameters]

Parameter Action
-S <settingsfile> Load another settings file than the default.
-A Auto-Send at startup
-C Close application after auto-send, to be used together with -A.
-Q Run in quiet mode on auto-send, to be used together with -A.
-U Start application without translation (in English).

DISE Composer

Composer.exe [Parameters] <DISE Movie File>

Parameter Action
-U Start application without translation (in English).

DISE Probe

Probe.exe [Parameters]

Parameter Action
-S <settingsfile> Load the specified settings file.
-U Start application without translation (in English).

DISE Replay

Replay.exe [Parameters]

Parameter Action
-F <displayscheme> Override the display scheme / DISE Movie file.
-NoAutoStart Suppress the start of display scheme / DISE Movie.
-S <settingsfile> Load the specified settings file.
-U Start application without translation (in English).

DISE Parser

Parameter Action
-S <settingsfile> Load the specified settings file.

DISE Parser (console)

Parameter Action
-S <settingsfile> Load the specified settings file.
-M <modifiers file> Force the use of modifiers from a file instead of the ones stored in the settings file. To create a file with modifiers, use the Export modifiers option in the DISE Parser application.
-Q Run in quiet mode.


When you use parameters in shortcuts or any other place in Windows, it is important that you put all the quotes (“) in the right place.

So if have spaces in the file names or paths you need to put it like this:

"C:\Program Files\DISE\DISE 8\Replay.exe" -S "C:\My Settings\Replay1.settings"
"C:\Program Files\DISE\DISE 8\DISEParser.exe" -S "F:\Settings and stuff\Parser1.settings"

Schedule Auto Send in Bridge

Using command-line parameters, DISE Bridge can start, send content, and exit without requiring user input. In the case you need to schedule Bridge to do these automatic sendings, create a task in Windows:

Info.png Read more: How to Schedule Tasks in Windows XP -

Info.png Read more: Schedule a task (Windows Vista) -

Info.png Read more: Schedule a task (Windows 7) -

When asked for the executable to create a task for, browse to the Bridge.exe file and in the arguments field enter -A -C -Q.