This guide expects the reader to be familiar with the basic setup of DISE Pro system in a network environment.
This document will guide you through the setup of multiscreen synchronization. The article shows appropriate examples for each step that should hopefully be applicable and possible to extend to your particular setup.
To be able to create a multiscreen DISE Movie you need to have what is known as a screen definition.
In the following example we’re going to create a new screen definition called "Videowall", with 3 Full HD (1920x1080) screens.
In Composer, create a new DISE Movie.
Go to the Movie tab and click Movie properties.
Click the Change button.
Under Horizontal resolution type in 5760.
Under Vertical resolution type in 1080.
Click the Add button to add a screen to the screen definition.
Call the new screen "Screen 1".
Under Dimensions, type in values X=0, Y=0, Width=1920, Height=1080.
Click Ok.
Click the Add button to add a second screen to the screen definition.
Call the new screen "Screen 2".
Under Dimensions, type in values X=1920, Y=0, Width=1920, Height=1080.
Click Ok.
Click the Add button to add a third screen to the screen definition.
Call the new screen "Screen 3".
Under Dimensions, type in values X=3840, Y=0, Width=1920, Height=1080.
Click Ok.
Now we have 3 screens and a canvas. Click the Save as preset button and give your screen definition the name "3x Full HD".
Then click Ok.
For now, just put a background over all 3 screens by right clicking and selecting Add background. See the Getting started article below for more tips on content creation for NoBorders.
Go to the Advanced tab in the Edit destination dialog.
Here you need to select the screen definition file to use (The screen definition files are by default located in your DISEContent folder, generally in "C:\DISEContent\System\Screen definitions") - check the box Use screen definition file for screen positions and browse for the file "3x Full HD.screendef".
Next, we need to specify some players. Go to the Players tab in the Edit destination dialog.
Click Add and name the player "Player 1".
Under Screen from screen definition file, select "Screen 1".
Repeat the two above steps for "Player 2" and "Player 3".
Add the DISE Movie "Test.disemovie" to the destination, in the top level.
Finally, send the destination.
When sending out your multi-screen content to your new destination select the top level in that destination and click the Send button.
The NoBorders destination needs to be downloaded on all players to be part in the NoBorders setup.
No special settings to DISE Probe are necessary. By default, Probe will download the entire destination, which means that all content for all screens will be downloaded. If this is unwanted behavior you can setup Probe to download only the files needed by specifying a filelist to use.
The last couple of settings needs to be set in the DISE Replay application to have the multi screen setup working properly.
The settings are done per Replay instance, in the case where you are running Multiple Replay instances on the same PC.
First, configure what .displayscheme file that each Replay should use. Go to the DISE Replay Preferences, General tab and under Display scheme or DISE Movie to playback, browse and select the right file.
The actual synchronization is done over multicast, and is setup in the Communication tab in the preferences dialog. Enable Remote control and Multicast communication .
Here, make sure that the multicast IP and the Channel sync port are set the same on all the player computers that are part of the multi screen setup.
Appoint one of the player computer to master by setting the Synchronization option to Master. All the other players in the system will need to be set to slave to correctly adjust to the synchronization signals coming from the master.
To test that synchronization messages do come through, start playback on the master, and use the Remote Control View on slave players. If you don't see anything coming through, please proceed to troubleshoot network connections.
When you have video files that you want to synchronize over several screens, there is a special renderer, called Internal renderer, that has been developed to give frame-by-frame synchronization by forcing video to playback with a very short buffer. It is set in Playback tab in the preferences dialog.
For video playback (especially Quicktime video) we recommend looking at installing LAV and FFDShow , since it gives better performance in synchronized systems.
Currently, the way to do NoBorders in a DISE Premium system with DISE Server, is to distribute the content using a manager as descibed above, have players download the content sent out by Bridge, and set up players with a few custom settings.
To setup Bridge to register destination settings in Server edit the project:
Select the File > Options tab and click Project properties.
Go to the DISE Server tab.
Check Connect to server and type in the FQDN or IP of the server and the port to use, and also (if applicable) which Server network to use.
Click Ok.
An authentication dialog appears, enter a valid username and password for the network.
When you create a new destination, you will have a dialog appear asking if you want to register the destination in DISE Server.
Note: If you already have a destination that you want to add to Server, simply double click it and click Ok in the "Edit destination" dialog. This will cause the question dialog to appear.
Players need to have access to the file server that Bridge sends to (it could even be an FTP server on the same machine that DISE Server is running on).
In the player details in Server's web interface, go to the edit dialog by clicking on the Options icon in the player details and selecting Edit.
Select Display scheme
In the text field below, search for the name of your destination.
Click Save.
Publish the changes made to the player, by going to the Dashboard.
Player custom settings
Next we need to tell each player which "player" (in the Bridge sense) it should play as - that is, which screen in the screen definition it should play on.
Go to the player details and click the Options icon.
Select Settings.
Click Custom settings.
Click Add and enter in the fields specified:
Name: DisplayScheme
Value: the name of the player in Bridge
Data type: String
Add setting:
Name: MulticastIp
Value: the multicast IP to use for sycnhronization. This should be the same on all players.
Data type: String
Add setting:
Name: MulticastPort
Value: the port to use for sycnhronization. This should be the same on all players.
Data type: Integer
Add setting:
Name: SyncMode
Value: Master or Slave. One of the players should be master and the others slave.