When working with guidelines in the Composer you will find a couple of commands that are there to make editing multiple screens easier.
Copy to multiple screens
When, for example, you have made a background on one screen you wish to copy this to the rest of the screens. Simply use Ctrl + Shift + D to duplicate the selected objects onto all the screens in the DISE Movie.
Editing individual screens
If you wish to edit content for an individual screen, use the F3 & F4 buttons to switch back and forth between individual screens.
Multi-screen objects
If you have objects that you wish to "travel" along several screens, you have to indicate that this is a multi-screen object. This is done by simply checking the Multiscreen object checkbox in the Object Properties tool window. The reason for this is important is that players will be optimizing away objects that they will not display - no use having a video on another screen loaded!
Note: Another reason why the multi-screen setting is important is that sometimes objects on one player can be time locked to objects on another player.
Moving an object using a path is usually the best option to move objects between and over screens. Remember that Multiscreen object needs to be checked for any object that will move over more than one screen.
Once you have the object in place, right click on the object and choose the Path tool.
Hold CTRL pressed while clicking to add points to your path. When placing the cursor over a path point it will turn into a cross. Right clicking the path point will pop up a right-click menu with more settings to your Path. In this case I changed it to a linear Path.
When done with your DISE Movie, please save it.
While creating content for multiple screens, you can preview the entire content or specific screen of choice. To only preview a certain screen, make sure you select Use Display scheme / Movie resolution in the Output Settings. A dialog asking which screen to preview will appear.
Note: Since every player is standalone and DISE is dependent on codecs to play video, what you see on managers may not always be what you get on players. Please consider installing the same codecs on both managera and players.
It is also possible to create a DISE Movie that has the same resolution you are using for each screen in the guideline, in that case this DISE Movie will be shown on each player as is.