DISE Composer User Interface

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DISE Composer is designed for ease of use, even for a beginner. Even so, the user interface may be customized to fit your exact needs, by using windows layouts. The main window is built in an intuitive style with a main area in the middle, along with content libraries you use and various tools to the sides which gives you an overview over the material that you are working with for the moment.

You can use keyboard shortcuts to make work more effective in DISE Composer.







Save your work to file.

Save as

Save under a new name.


Create a new DISE Movie.


Open a saved DISE Movie.

Open Recent

Open a recently saved DISE Movie.



Paste a copied object(s).


Undo the last action.


Redo a previously undone action.

Undo History

Display a list of previous actions, in order to go back several steps at a time.

Redo History

Display a list of previous actions, in order to redo several steps at a time.


Insert a copy of the selected object(s).


Copy and remove the selected object(s).


Copy the selected object(s).

Info.png Read more: Text based copy buffer


Delete the selected object(s).

Select all

Select all objects in the current scene.

Position and size


The x position, in pixels, of the object's top left corner.


The y position, in pixels, of the object's top left corner.


The width of the object, in pixels.


The height of the object, in pixels.


Info.png Read more: DISE Composer tools


Bring to front

Put the selected object(s) before all other objects. When several objects are selected, their relative ordering is maintained.

Send to back

Put the selected object(s) behind all other objects. When several objects are selected, their relative ordering is maintained.

Bring forward

Put the selected object(s) one step forward in the ordering. When several objects are selected, their relative ordering is maintained. You can also use the small down button in the timeline.

Send backward

Put the selected object(s) one step back in the ordering. When several objects are selected, their relative ordering is maintained. You can also use the small up button in the timeline.
Order Objects
Move objects in front of or behind other objects.
The order of objects will be inversely apparent on the timeline - topmost in the timeline means the object is in the back.

Info.png Read more: Time locking

Merge as single object
Makes the selected objects act as one object, with a single start & stop time.
Make list
Makes the selected objects part of the same list object.
Split into objects
Makes the objects that previously were parts of the same merged or list object return to their previous state.

Align to fullpage

Align to top/bottom/left/right


Vertical center

Horizontal center


Horizontal positions
Vertical positions




Merge as single object
Lets you handle all selected objects as one object.
Make list
Create a list object containing the selected objects.
Combine objects
Split into objects
Splits a merged or list object into its parts again.



Open the object-specific settings for the selected object.

Save as preset

Lets you save objects as a preset file.


Lets you edit the movements of the selected object.


Lets you edit the rotation of the selected object.

Use object as background

Put the selected object in the far back and lock its position.


Scene preview

Lets you see a preview of the currently selected scene, or the entire DISE Movie. The preview will be presented using the settings in Output Settings. We recommend a windowed preview.

Lightbulb.png Note: In a DISE NoBorders setup, to only preview a certain screen from your screen definition, make sure you select Use Display scheme / Movie resolution in the Output Settings.

Play all scenes (F9)

Preview the entire DISE Movie.

Play selected scenes (F10)

Preview only the scenes you have selected in the Scene View.

Play current scene (F11)

Preview only the scene you are working in now.


DISE Bridge / Publish to players

Distribute content to your player(s). Using DISE Pro you can choose whether to use DISE Bridge or DISE Discover. Clicking DISE Bridge will start the application.


RibbonMovieTab.png Movie properties

Displays general properties and information about the DISE Movie.


Displays all the files that your DISE Movie refers to.

Export movie

Export to zip
Export your currently open DISE Movie along with all its content to a zip file.
Export to video
Export your work to a Windows Media Video file.

Convert to template movie

Info.png Read more: Templates


Add scene

Add a scene last in your DISE Movie.


Lets you load the selected scene or DISE Movie from a preset file.

Info.png Read more: External scenes


Lets you save the selected (in the Scene View) scene to a preset file. If you have selected multiple scenes, they will be exported as a DISE Movie.

Scene properties

Opens the selected scene properties.


Playback mode




Force a redraw of the edit area.

Reload resources

Force all objects on the scene to reload its content.


Zoom to fit in window

Zoom to fit width

Zoom to fit height


Enable docking
Lets you move toolbars around and attach them where you want.
Save layout
Save the current window layout.
Load layout
Load a predefined Window layout.
Lets you show/hide windows/toolbars.
Object Properties tabs
Lets you show/hide sections of the Object Properties.




The font settings applies to text-based objects, such as texts and tickers.

Info.png Read more: Font support


Sets the size of the font in the object.


Set the alignment direction of text in the object.


RibbonSceneInteractivityTab.png RibbonObjectInteractivityTab.png


RibbonSceneSchedulingTab.png RibbonObjectSchedulingTab.png

Object Info

Here, basic info is shown about the currently selected object on the edit area, or the currently selected file in one of the below tabs.


In this tab the current project's Library directory is displayed. For organization, the Library typically holds preinstalled content and presets.

File Browser

The File Browser lets you drag-and-drop any file from your drives and network locations. The location of the File Browser will be remembered between sessions. As in the Library and Content tabs you can alter between different file views by clicking in the list in the bottom. FileViewButton.png


In this tab the current project's Content directory is displayed. The Content directory is a good way to keep everything organized and helps when you are more than one person working with creating DISE Movies. You can create new folders here just as you would with any folder.


In this tab the basic objects are displayed.

Lightbulb.png Note: All items on the Objects tab are presets (in the %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\DISE\DISE 2010\BasicObjects folder), meaning you can setup your own tab

Edit area

The edit area represents what will be shown on the screen(s). You add objects from the tabs on the left onto the edit area. You can drag in guidelines to have a better control over object's positions. When working with multiple screens (DISE NoBorders), it will be indicated where screens will be through screen definitions appearing in blue - there is no difference creating content for one or multiple screens.


Scene view

On the scene view, your scenes are displayed in order. When a DISE Movie is played, the scenes are played from left to right. Each scene has a thumbnail of the content on it.

Timeline view

The Timeline View has two main functions.

  1. Set the timing of objects, transitions and paths in a scene.
  2. Stack the objects.

Object Properties

The Object Properties is where the properties that are general to all objects, such as size, angle and transparency are kept. (individual settings for objects are found by right-clicking the object and select Edit)

Color palette

Holds the Color Palette and lets you switch between color palette setups. The various color palettes can be setup in the Color Settings tab of the Object Properties.

Bottom toolbar
