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Using transitions you can create smooth progressions between scenes or bring objects nicely in and out. Transitions are setup in DISE Composer and may use fades or more spectacular effects.
Transitions are overlayed, meaning the two scenes are played simultaneously together with the transition. If the transition is 5 seconds long, this means that the next scene starts 5 seconds before the previous scene ends. The out transition for one scene is the same as the next scene's in transition. To set a transition, right-click the scene and go to the Scene Properties. Here, click the Edit button to add a transition and enter the transition's length in the Timing field.
Click the button in the Scene View to have a better overview and drag the transitions to where you want them.
Objects do not transition into one another like scenes, instead, the transition is between not being visible and being visible.
To set the transition settings for an object, click the small button in the General tab of the Object Properties.
You can directly set a length for the transition.
Note: Just filling in a length will create a default uniform fade transition.
In the timeline, objects' transitions can be displayed and edited. Expand the object by clicking the small arrow to the left. You may drag the transitions' length.
Determined by an alpha channel (basically going after a black-and-white image, starting with white, through black).
Reverse direction
Invert alpha
Alpha channel
Switches the old object/scene for the new in various ways. Some of the options are not applicable to objects since they require something to transition from and to.