Scene View

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The scene view gives you a good overview of all the scenes in your movie. You can quickly move between scenes, just by clicking on them, and re-arrange them by drag-and-drop.

See also Working with scenes for more information.


Selecting the active scene

When you click on one of the scenes in the scene view the edit area will change to that scene. The scene icon becomes “selected” and a bit darker gray to indicate that the scene is the active one.

Selecting more scenes

If you hold down the SHIFT or CTRL key while clicking on the scenes, you are able to select more than one scene at the same time. This is useful when you want to export several scenes, or you want to play only your selected scenes. Holding the SHIFT key will select all the scenes between the currently selected and the one you clicked on. Holding down CTRL will select unselect the scene you clicked on. Selected scenes are rendered with a darker gray color than unselected scenes.

Re-arranging the order of scenes

To change the display order of scenes, you can just drag and drop the scene icons in the scene view. You can also select a scene and right click on the icon and select Move > To Beginning or Move > To End from the menu that shows up.

Scene View toolbar

Above the scene icons there is a toolbar with a zoom slider and three buttons. The zoom slider determines the size of the scene icons.

TransitionButton.png Show transitions - This button will expand the scene view downwards to show smaller icons of the transitions between scenes underneath the scene icons.

Add AddSceneButton.png/ Delete DeleteSceneButton.png scene - These buttons will add a new scene or delete the selected scene(s) from your DISE movie.


The scene icon contains information and useful shortcuts for the scene it represents. At the top is the name of the scene. This is usually “Scene 1”, “Scene 2” etc, but you can also name your scenes to find them more easily (See below).

To the left of the name are three small clickable icons .

Under the title, there is a thumbnail of the actual scene, and below that the duration of the scene (display time).

Display time (Duration)

As you might have noticed, the display time of a scene is usually “Auto”. This means that the duration of the scene adjusts to the objects that are contained inside the scene. This is the default behavior. The exact duration of the scene may vary depending on the objects within it. However, you are also able to select a fixed display time for a scene. The scene will then play exactly the time you specify, regardless if there is any objects to display, or if for example a movie inside the scene wants to continue playing.

To specify an exact display time, click the scene properties icon DISE2010SceneViewExternalNonActive.png on the scene icon, and specify scene duration as “Fixed time”.

Scene function icons


There are three small icons to the right of the scene name. The icons are shortcuts to important settings for the scene. The icons also change their color to give some extra information about these settings.

The scheduling icon takes you directly to the Edit Schedule dialog for the scene. The icon will change its color depending on the schedule.

DISE2010SceneViewNoScedule.png There is no schedule for the scene.

DISE2010SceneViewSceduleNonActive.png There exists a schedule for the scene that is currently not active.

DISE2010SceneViewSceduleActive.png There exists a schedule for the scene that is currently active.

If one or more objects in the scene are data connected, the data connection button takes you to the Edit Data Connection dialog. If there is more than one data connected object, you first get a dialog showing all data connections and let you choose the one you want to edit.

DISE2010SceneViewDataConnActive.png One or more data connections exist in the scene, click the icon to edit them.

DISE2010SceneViewDataConnNonActive.png No data connections exist in the scene, nothing will happen if you click the icon.

The scene properties button takes you to the property dialog, where you can edit the name and duration of the scene. In the properties, you can also specify if a scene is external.

DISE2010SceneViewExternalNonActive.png This is a normal scene.

DISE2010SceneViewExternalActive.png This is an external scene.

Scene Context Menu

Right-click on a scene icon to bring up a context menu with special scene-related functions.

Scene properties

Takes you to the scene properties dialog, (Same as the scene properties icon.)

Insert scene

Inserts a scene directly after the selected scene.

Delete scene(s)

Deletes the selected scenes. (Same as the Delete button in the scene view toolbar)

Duplicate scene

Duplicates the currently selected scene.

Import scene(s)

Imports a scene or a complete movie to the end of the movie.


Exports one or more scenes so you can implement them in another DISE Movie. If only one scene is selected when you press export, DISE will save it as a scene file (.disescene / .dsc). If several scenes are selected, DISE will export them as a movie (.disemovie / .evs).

Info.png Read more: Presets, working with


Moves the selected scene to the beginning or end of the movie.

Data connections

Lets you see a list of and edit the data connections on the scene. (Same as the data connection icon, see above)


Lets you edit the schedule for the scene. (Same as the edit schedule icon, see above).


Opens the events dialog where you can specify actions to be performed when the scene starts or ends.

DISE Complete

Checking the Log statistics option will make the scene report playback information in a DISE Enterprise system.

Scene transitions

If you click the Show transitions button TransitionButton.png, the scene view will expand downwards to show smaller icons of the transitions between scenes underneath the scene icons.


The transitions can be dragged and dropped just as the scenes can, and they have their own right-click menu to add, edit or remove transitions.