DISE Movies, working with

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A DISE Movie is the resulting file when you create content in Composer to be played back by your players.

Create a DISE Movie

  1. Select Create a new DISE Movie from the welcome screen or File > New movie from the system menu.
  2. You are presented with an empty scene.
  3. Select the Text Object on the Objects tab to the left and click and hold the left mouse button down on the edit area, resize the rectangle to the size you want of your object.
  4. The Text object dialog will appear.
  5. Write something like “My first movie” and click OK.
  6. You now got a text object on the scene.
  7. You can move the text object around, size it using the small black handles and change the color of it using the palette to the right.
  8. Select any other color than black, as the object will not be visible otherwise.
  9. Press the Play all scenes PlayAllScenesButton.png button above the edit area.

You have now managed to create, edit and show a movie.

Load and Save the Movie

1. Click the save button SaveButton.png in the tool bar.

You will be prompted where to save your DISE Movie and with which name it will be saved.

2. Press "Save".

Your DISE Movie is now saved to disk.
If you press the save button again, DISE will remember the name of the DISE Movie, and will not ask you for the name again.

If you later want to save the DISE Movie with another name, you can choose File > Save as from the menu.

If you close DISE before you have saved your DISE Movie, DISE will ask you if you want to save it.

When you want to open a saved DISE Movie, press the open DISE Movie button OpenButton.png in the tool bar.

A dialog will let you browse and find the DISE Movie you are looking for. When you have found it, press “Open” and the DISE Movie will be opened.

Play the Movie

To preview the movie you are editing, just press the Play all scenes PlayAllScenesButton.png button above the edit area.

If you want the change where and how the preview will be shown, this can be selected from Tools > Output Settings dialog.


Info.png Read more: Output Settings

Distribute the DISE Movie


PublishToPlayersButton.png BridgeButton.png

In DISE Pro, you have the option to either use DISE Discover (distribution over the local area network), or to use DISE Bridge. Clicking the DISE Bridge button will open Bridge or switch to it if already open. To switch between distribution methods, please go to the Interface tab in Composer's preferences.

DISE Server

PublishToPlayersButton.png BridgeButton.png PublishToDISEServerButton.png

Composer can also upload DISE Movies or templates to DISE Server. They can then be added to playlists. In order to connect Composer to Server, go into File > Options > Project properties and select the DISE Server tab. Enter the FQDN or IP (for example diseserver.net) and port number (commonly 80) of the Server to use, and which network to upload to. An authentication dialog will appear, fill in a registered user and password.

Lightbulb.png Note: Do not include "http://" or "www" in the specified address.


To switch between distribution methods, select the Interface tab in Composer's preferences and select "DISE Server" under Publish method.


To send your DISE Movie to Server, click the Publish to DISE Server button. A dialog will appear with a progress bar. When completed, the DISE Movie can be located in the "DISE Movie" section of Server's Content Library.

Notes on DISE Movies

A DISE Movie doesn’t necessarily contain the actual data to be displayed, but merely the what, how and when-information. The actual data is images, videos, web pages, extracted data from databases or the Internet etc... The list of things to be displayed is constantly growing, when new features are being added to the system. Together with the .disemovie file an additional .dependencies file is also created that specifies where data is located, and additional information about data.

In order to view a DISE Movie in DISE Composer (or DISE Replay), you need to make sure that all files it is dependent upon are available at that moment and location.