Projects, working with

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Projects are a way of organizing your content. When you are managing more than one display network, you can split your work into different units. Using projects is also an essential part of sharing the same content over several managers. Each project has its own settings. Using projects you may split up the work between several co-managers - edit the content on one and distribute on another.


There is always a default, local project on your manager. It has the DISEContent folder structure as its base, but you may of course add content located anywhere on your manager. However, we recommend you to keep as much content as possible in the DISEContent\Content folder, as it has these advantages:

  1. It makes it easier to backup or migrate content to another manager.
  2. It provides quick access to your content via the Content tab in DISE Composer.

Creating a local project from scratch


  • Select File > Options > Run project wizard.
The New Project Wizard dialog appears.


  • In the first page, give a name to identify the project.


  • In the next page, select Local project.


  • Select where to create the new project (which new DISEContent structure to create) .


  • Click Apply to create the project.


To create a shared project, a content repository is required on the network.

Info.png Read more: Sharing content

Creating a shared project from scratch


  • Select File > Options > Run project wizard.
The New Project Wizard dialog appears.


  • In the first page, give a name to identify the project.


  • In the next page, select Shared project.



  • This page appears only in DISE Composer. Select the local workspace folder for the project, for instance "C:\SharedDISEContent". The folder should be empty.

Lightbulb.png Note: In Bridge, you don't need to care about where the project is locally stored.


  • Click Apply to complete the wizard and save the project to the repository.

The project is now downloaded locally to the workspace folder. You will notice if you look in the project folder that DISE has created a standalone DISEContent folder structure. You can see which project you are working with in the left bottom hand corner.


Checking out a project


  • Select File > Options > Run project wizard.
The New Project Wizard dialog appears.


  • Click Download shared project from content server.


  • Enter the URL to the content server.


  • Select from the list of existing projects.
  • In Composer, select the local workspace folder for the project.

Lightbulb.png Note: In Bridge, you don't need to care about where the project is locally stored.

Selecting a project

You can switch between projects by selecting a project in the dropdown-list File > Options > Current in Composer or Bridge. The available projects will be presented.


General tab

ProjectPropertiesGeneral.png ProjectPropertiesGeneral2.png


The name of the project. Will be shown in the dropdown list.

Content directories

Each project has its own DISEContent directory, specified during project creation.

Encrypt project settings

Secures the project by encrypting the content of the settings files.

Enable exclusive edit mode

Create backup of project files on application close

Will create an archive with the project settings when the program exits.

Check for updates on application startup

When content sharing is used, will checkout new and updated content from the content server when the application starts.

Calendar view offset (hours)

Changes the calendar start and stop time by an amount of hours.


Deletes the project file and any references to it. Will not delete any content associated with the project.

Distribution tab


Halt on missing files

Will stop distributing a destination when its dependencies are not met.

Lightbulb.png Note: Unchecking this may lead to unexpected behaviour.

Info.png Read more: Troubleshoot dependencies

Log tab


Log to file

Save log data to a log file.

Max log level

The maximum message level to include in the log.

Limit number of lines

Enter the maximum number of lines to store. If the number of lines is above this value old lines are removed when new are added.

Log to remote Syslog server

Enable this to send log messages to a syslog compatible log receiver. For example most Linux and Unix systems will be able to receive this data.

Info.png Read more: Syslog -

Syslog server IP address

IP address of syslog server.

Syslog server port

IP port of syslog server. The default value is 514.

Log to system debugger

Send log messages to the system debugger. You can watch these messages with DebugView.

DISE Server tab


In this tab, fill in the connection details to upload content to DISE Server.

Connect to DISE Server

If checked, will ask the user for credentials to log in to Server.

Server address / port

The IP address/host name and port to connect to.

Where are settings stored?


Settings files for projects are saved in the "DISEContent\System\Projects" folder. The Default project can be found in "C:\DISEContent\System\Projects", and if you create a new local or shared project it will be found in its DISEContent structure (for example, "D:\MySharedContent\System\Projects"). Each file will have a unique ID, such as "0682E980-926E-440F-B858-531C51107DB2.diseproject". The default project is named "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000.diseproject". The project itself is stored as a ".diseproject" file and a ".diseproject.local" file. The .diseproject.local file contains information that is specific for this manager. This is applicable when sharing content - some paths and settings will differ between managers. The project contains a list of destinations, which are themselves stored as separate files.

Destinations and playlists

Destinations, the destinations database, and its playlists are also stored here, as ".destination", ".database" and ".playlist" files, respectively.

Renaming, deleting or moving a project

In the General tab in the Project properties, you may enter a new name in the Name field. You can also click the Browse icon to select a new location for the project files. Please note that this will only move the project files, not content files - they have to be moved manually. Similarly, deleting a project will not delete any content associated with the project. To delete the project, click the Delete button at the bottom in the Project properties.

Lightbulb.png Note: Moving a shared project will not automatically check out the content from the content server.


There is an option to backup project settings when Bridge is closed. Find it by selecting File > Project > Project properties, then in the General tab checking the box Create backup of project files on application close.


Info.png Main article: Troubleshooting projects