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Every scene, object and list item in a DISE Movie can be scheduled in DISE Composer and every Channel and Movie can be scheduled in DISE Bridge. You can use scheduling in DISE Probe to control when download locations are allowed to download content.

In essence, you add a number of scheduling conditions. If any (or all) of these conditions are met the item will be visible, and if none of the conditions are met the item will not be shown.

Lightbulb.png Note: During preview in DISE Composer, scheduling will not be active.

How it works

When a scheduled item is encountered, whether it is in the scene timeline in a DISE Movie, or a DISE Movie in a playlist, the conditions in the scheduling are checked. If conditions are met, the item will be played. Remember that this is done only when the item is encountered in the playlist, meaning that if another item is playing during that time, the item will have to wait for its turn. Once an item is scheduled to play, it will always play out its entire length.


Scheduled channels do not have to wait their turn, and will check their scheduling all the time. A channel will therefore be visible instantly when scheduled and disappear instantly when not scheduled.



In the Edit Schedule dialog you can create, add, remove and delete rules. A rule consists of one or more date/place/file/other related conditions, and when you click on the Add button these will be added as a rule.

Different scheduling rules are combined - one "Weekdays: Monday" and one "Time Interval: 12:00 - 13:00", would result in the scheduled item being visible every day between 12 and 13 and the whole of Monday. The other way would be to add these two values into the same rule, which would result in the object only being visible between 12 and 13 on Mondays.

Lightbulb.png Note: The scheduling rules will always show if they are active (green) or inactive (red). This represents the active status now and here (depending on the current time, place and file existence), be aware that the players are in different places and have other files, so the status can be different there.

Add >>

Adds the selected values and settings as a scheduling rule.

<< Remove

Removes the selected rule from the list and add the values and settings back to the settings area.


Removes the selected rule.


Removes all the rules in the list.

Copy All

Copy all the rules.

Paste All

Paste a list of rules.


Refresh the status of all the rules in the list.

The schedule is active if one/all schedules above are active (OR/AND)

Select is you want the schedule to require that all of the rules are active or if just one is required (default).


Select another date and time from the calendar to test the schedules configured.

Lightbulb.png Note: You can disable certain scheduling rules by un-checking the check box next to that rule.

Invert rule

Will invert the selected scheduling rule, making it active when it otherwise would be non-active and vice versa.

Date & Time


Date & Time

Date and Time span.

Time interval

A time interval, valid for all dates unless combined with Date & Time


One or more days of the week

Lightbulb.png Note: If the Weekdays check box is selected but no weekday is checked this will be added to the rules as Never.

File Date & Time


Lets you create rules that will trigger on a file's date and time status. The file may be of any type. (It may even be the DISE Movie itself!)

In the file field you enter a file path, and using the options below you decide what to compare this file's date and time status with.

Read date from File modified

The date and time the file was last modified.

File created

The date and time the file was created.

From first line in file

Assumes that the first line of the file's content is a date. The format of the date and time should be in "yyyy-dd-mm hh:mm:ss".

From custom line in file

Allows you to select any "cell" from a CSV file to read the date and time from. Otherwise works in the same way as the From first line of file option.

The date information is then checked against the values under

Compare to current date & time

The values for the days, hour, minutes and seconds field are combined so that you can specify times like 5 days, 12 hours and 30 minutes.
If left zero the field will not be used.
It is possible to specify intervals like "between 3 to 5 days old", by setting the From and To values.

For example, you want for an image to only be displayed if it was created sooner than 2 hours ago. You browse for the file and select File created, then enter 2 in the Hours field under To.

File Logic

DISE2010SchedulingFileLogic.png Lets you create rules that will trigger on the current status/content of a file. The file may be of any type. (It may even be the DISE Movie itself!) In the file field you enter a file path, and using the Operation options below you decide what to check.

File exists

File does not exist

File is empty

The file exists but is empty.

File contains something

The file exists and has some content.

The following operations compare the file's content with the content of the Compare text field.

File content equals text

The file's content exactly matches the text.

File content contains text

Somewhere in the file this text appears.

File content lower than text

Assumes that the content to compare is an integer - will trigger if the content of the file is "12" and the content of the Compare text field is "15".

File content higher than text

Assumes that the content to compare is an integer.

If Select field in file is checked you may select a "cell" from a CSV file to read content from.



Lets you create rules that trigger depending on channel status. The rule is valid when a channel with a specific name matches the condition in the list. To create a rule, click the green plus sign. Enter a channel's name (defined in DISE Bridge) and select a condition.

You may create rules that depend on whether a channel


Does not exist

Is visible

The specified channel is scheduled to show.

Is not visible

For example, you might not want to show commercials during a fire alert.


Remote Control

It is possible to trigger scheduling on commands received via Remote Control. The schedule will be set active when the trigger command is received and for the specified amount of seconds. If the Exclusive option is selected, then any currently active remoet control schedules will be set in-active.

Info.png Read more: Remote Control Scheduling



Setup how you want the scheduling to react to certain variables being set or not set. This can be used to provide context-based scheduling, by remotely setting variables or by configuring different players with its own set of variables.


You can specify that the schedule should be active after a number of seconds of system in-activity. The system is monitored for activity on the mouse and keyboard.