Playback commands

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Playback commands can be run when starting and stopping objects, scenes or channels. They can also run prior to and after a download has been completed.

Possible commands are applications or batch scripts, but there are also a list of special commands that are built in (listed below).

Available commands

The playback will usually wait until all commands are executed. If you want to run multiple commands put each on a new line.

Command Parameter(s) Description Example
copy fromfile;tofile Copy a file from one location to another. copy;D:\Text files\new.txt;C:\DISEContent\Text\trigger.txt
delete file Delete a file. delete;C:\DISEContent\Text\trigger.txt
channel   Control the playback of a channel.  
  play;channel_name Start the channel by the specified name. channel;play;Roadside
  stop;channel_name Stop the channel by the specified name. channel;stop;Roadside
  channel;pause;channel_name Pause the channel by the specified name. channel;pause;
  channel;unpause;channel_name Resumes the channel by the specified name.  
  channel;loopscene;channel_name In the channel by the specified name, stay on the current scene.  
  channel;forward;channel_name Go to the next scene in the channel by the specified name.  
  channel;rewind;channel_name Go to the last scene in the channel by the specified name.  
remotecontrol send;message Send a remote control message with a timestamp header remotecontrol;send;Replay|AddVariable|daytime

Sends a message to set the daytime variable.

  sendnoheader;message Send a remote control message without a timestamp header remotecontrol;sendnoheader;Replay|RemoveVariable|daytime

Sends a message to remove the daytime variable.

execute path-to-executable Runs an external application on the player, allows files of type .exe, .bat, .vbs and others to be run. execute;C:\Path\To\File.exe


Download location

The settings are reached by editing the download location in DISE Probe and going to the Advanced settings tab.


Here, under Execute the following commands before starting transfer or Execute the following commands when the transfer has completed successfully, put in the path to your script or executable you wish to run. Probe will wait until all commands are executed before starting the transfer.

Tutorial.png Tutorial: Hot folder


In DISE Bridge, right-click the channel, click Edit and go to the Advanced tab to enter playback commands for the channel.



In DISE Composer, right-click the scene, click Edit scene preferences and go to the Advanced tab to enter playback commands for the scene.


Lightbulb.png Note: The playback will wait until all external applications have been executed.


Select the object and go the menu Edit > Experimental > Object playback commands... to open the dialog for an object. The external application will be launched as soon as the object is visible/disappears from the timeline.
