System date from time server

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It is important that DISE players have the correct time. For scheduling, DISE NoBorders etc, time naturally plays an important role. Therefore we need to make sure that players always have their system clocks updated and synchronized to each other. The way to do is to specify an authoritative time server that all players will use. They will connect to it and set their clocks accordingly. In a DISE system, we have a couple of ways to do this, generally through DISE Probe, or through Windows' own time routines.

Setting up a time server

It is possible, for example when players have no internet connection, to let one PC in the network act as time server. All players will connect to it.

Info.png Read more: How to configure an authoritative time server in Windows Server -

Player side: DISE Probe

In DISE Probe, the settings for the time synchronization can be found in the General tab in the settings.

Player side: Windows

Windows XP

The configuration for this can be found in the "Date and Time Properties" on the tab "Internet Time".

Windows Vista/7

  • Go into the Control Panel and select Date & Time.
  • Select the tab Internet Time and click on Change settings
  • Put in your time server (separate multiple by a space) and click Update now

Windows vista internet time.png

Windows vista internet time settings.png

Windows updates the time once a week by default.

More information

You can find an an updated list with working time servers in any of these links