Remote Control

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Using Remote Control almost any software could control parts of playback, scheduling and several other things by sending messages over multicast UDP.

Command build up

If you are using DISE Parser, DISE Keyboard Control or any of our other applications that can send out Remote Control messages, then you do not really have to put any focus on how the messages should be formatted as these applications will do that for you.

On the other hand, if you want to create your own Remote Control messages then you need to add an header to the message being sent out.


The header is separated in two sections, first a time stamp (optional) and then an identity.

Section Description Length Example
YYYYMMDDHHMMSS Time stamp (year, month, day, hour, minute, second) 14 characters 20140314162530
Identity An arbitrary string by which to identify the message (or its sender). Any Parser

The sections in the header are separated by a "|" (pipe, ASCII 124 decimal, 7C hex) character.



The identity is an arbitrary string by which to further specify or filter the message.


The command with any parameters will be put after the header, all separated by the "|" (pipe) character.

DISE Replay Commands

Command Parameter(s) Description Example
Play   Start playing the DISE Movie / display scheme configured in DISE Replay. If paused this will resume playback. 00000000000000|Parser|Play
  C:\Path\To\Movie.disemovie Change the DISE Movie / display scheme to be played. 00000000000000|KeyboardControl|Play|C:\DISEContent\Content\Ads.displayscheme
Stop   Stop the playback. 00000000000000|Replay|Stop
Pause   Pause the playback. 00000000000000|Parser|Pause
Forward   Step one scene forward. 00000000000000|Parser|Forward
Rewind   Step one scene backward. 00000000000000|Parser|Backward
AddVariable Variable name Set the specified variable (temporary). The variable name may be a specified using a regular expression. 00000000000000|Parser|AddVariable|FemaleAged30
RemoveVariable Variable name Remove the specified variable (will only remove temporary variables). 00000000000000|Parser|RemoveVariable|FemaleAged30
Channel <Channel action>|<Channel name> Do the selected action on the specified channel. Available actions: play, stop, pause, unpause, restartscene, loopscene, forward, rewind. The channel specified can be a regular expression to match multiple channels. Forward the channel "Ads": 00000000000000|Parser|Channel|forward|Ads

Pause all channel that start with "M": 00000000000000|Parser|Channel|pause|^M.*

DISE Probe Commands

Command Parameter(s) Description Example
ProbeStart   Start Probe download action. 00000000000000|Parser|ProbeStart
ProbeStop   Stop Probe download action. 00000000000000|Parser|ProbeStop
ProbeConnect   Trigger a Connect on destinations. 00000000000000|SystemControl|ProbeConnect
ProbeVolumeMute   Have Probe mute the volume of the PC. 00000000000000|SystemControl|ProbeVolumeMute
ProbeVolumeUnMute   Have Probe un-mute the volume of the PC. 00000000000000|SystemControl|ProbeVolumeUnMute
ProbeVolumeHalf   Have Probe put the volume of the PC to 50%. 00000000000000|Parser|ProbeVolumeHalf

View incoming Remote Control messages

DISE Replay and DISE Probe both provide a Remote Control View which let you inspect the messages as they reach the player.


This is useful for troubleshooting and verification when creating an interactive presentation.


Scheduling can be controlled by using the Remote Control.


DISE NoBorders relies on synchronization of players. The synchronization signal is also transferred using the Remote Control.

Dynamic Data

It is possible to use data connections to text distributed through the remote control network.

This feature will give you the possibility to send out data from anywhere on your network (or Internets) and have Replay show the text directly when it is received. Update times vary depending on the display frequency, but should about 60 times a second. Since the update will be this quick this feature can be used for sport event timing and similar setups.

Command Parameter(s) Description Example
DynamicData Data name|Value Assign value to the dynamic data by the given name. Set the "Greeting" dynamic data to "Welcome": 00000000000000|Parser|DynamicData|Greeting|Welcome

How to use

  • Create a Text Object.
  • Data Connect the Text Object and instead of giving a file name, enter: "#RC#Greeting". (Change the "Greeting" name to whatever you are calling the dynamic text in the input message).
  • Setup "Enable Remote Control of this player" and "Enable Multicast communication" in the Replay Preferences > Communication tab.


  • Start Replay with the DISE Movie containing the Text Object.
  • Send multicast command as described above.

You can data connect to Dynamic Data on multiple locations. If you for some reason want to send data that contains multiple parts, you can send a string with a separator, for example, "1|200|FOO" and then use column processing in the Data Connection dialog to access specific parts.