Network and file access

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Lightbulb.png Note: The IP/Port information in this article is default settings only, and may be subject to change in later software versions.

Network ports

DISE Composer

No domain:
Microsoft file sharing SMB: TCP/UDP ports 135-139.
Direct-hosted SMB traffic without NetBIOS: TCP/UDP port 445.
In domain:
Kerberos server (KDC) should be contacted to issue session ticket, before access can be granted:
Kerberos V5 TCP/UDP port 88 on Kerberos server.
  • Downloads files over HTTP (TCP/UDP 80) if so needed.
  • Transmits bug reports over the HTTP protocol.

DISE Bridge

  • Uploads files through FTP, either unsecured or secured.

Lightbulb.png Note: There is a difference in how active or passive FTP uses ports. See Active FTP vs. Passive FTP, a Definitive Explanation -

No domain:
Microsoft file sharing SMB: TCP/UDP ports 135-139.
Direct-hosted SMB traffic without NetBIOS: TCP/UDP port 445.
In domain:
Kerberos server (KDC) should be contacted to issue session ticket, before access can be granted:
Kerberos V5 TCP/UDP port 88 on Kerberos server.
  • Transmits bug reports over the HTTP protocol.

DISE Probe

  • Downloads files through FTP, either unsecured or secured.
DISE Probe can use a Proxy server for FTP connections.
  • Downloads files through Windows shared folders:
No domain:
Microsoft file sharing SMB: TCP/UDP ports 135-139.
Direct-hosted SMB traffic without NetBIOS: TCP/UDP port 445.
In domain:
Kerberos server (KDC) should be contacted to issue session ticket, before access can be granted:
Kerberos V5 TCP/UDP port 88 on Kerberos server.
  • Transmits bug reports over the HTTP protocol.

DISE Replay

  • Downloads files if needed, and transmits bug reports over the HTTP protocol.
  • Listens on multicast IP: Port: 4000 for remote control information.
  • Multicast IP: Port: 4001 for global clock information.
  • Multicast IP: Port: 4002 for player synchronization information.
  • DISE Discover will use the Service Location Protocol (SLP). The SLP protocol uses multicast signals. It will also use the HTTP protocol.

File Permissions

DISE applications store their settings in a centralized way, where system-wide settings are in %PROGRAMDATA%\DISE\DISE 8 or %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\DISE\DISE 8 whereas user-specific settings end up in %LOCALAPPDATA%\DISE\DISE 8.

Info.png Read more: DISE settings files

Write permissions are needed to these folders.


  • When sharing content, the account running DISE Composer needs to have write & delete permissions to the shared DISEContent folder.


  • When sharing content the account running DISE Bridge needs to have write & delete permissions to the shared DISEContent folder.
  • When uploading to shared network folders, the account that Bridge logs in using needs write & delete permissions to the shared folder.
  • With FTP used, the FTP account that Bridge logs in using on needs write & delete permissions to the FTP folder.


  • Probe needs to have write & delete access to a folder to put the downloaded content in.
  • In addition it needs write & delete access to a temporary folder which by default is %LOCALAPPDATA%\Temp\DISE\DISE 8\Probe.

Info.png Read more: Download locations


During setup, the DISE Setup Wizard sets up a shared folder named DISEShare on the Player when DISE Discover will be used. The DISEShare will hold transfered content. It needs to be shared for DISE Discover to function properly, so any policies restricting shared folders will cause DISE Discover to fail. The DISEShare user needs full control of this folder.


UAC is a windows security measure which protect system files and ask for administrator credentials (on a different desktop) when these files are changed. This can prevent remote updates if the account the DISE applications run in is restricted. In addition it causes applications without proper credentials to write to the virtual store, which means that files may be on a different location than apparent. The virtual store is located at %LOCALAPPDATA%\VirtualStore.


Info.png Main article: Troubleshoot network connections

Info.png Main article: Troubleshoot downloads