DISE Probe Download Location Preferences

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Edit download location

Location Settings



Name of the download location

Download interval

The amount of time that will pas between connections to the download location. The time is specified in days, hours, minutes and seconds.

Download active schedules

Schedule when downloads should be active. This can be used to limit the network activity. To specify an schedule press the Setup button.

Update communication method

DISE Probe can download/upload files to and from and FTP site or a Shared folder. This setting let you select what type of update will be used for this download location. Selecting this will show additional settings that depend on the selected method.

Source directory

This lets you specify which networked folder that is used as the download directory.

Username and Password

If the shared directory is protected then enter the username and password, othervise leave the username blank.
The username and password for the FTP connection.

FTP Server

Address of the FTP server.


Port of the FTP server

Connection type

Specifies whether to use security. This is provided the server offers security measures. The supported protocols are SSL, TLS and TLS Implicit.

Info.png Read more: Transport Layer Security - wikipedia.org

FTP Directory to scan

Directory on the FTP server that will be used as source.


Folder where files will be stored as a result of a successful update. This is the same folder that DISE Replay will use when playing presentations.

Upload Status Info

Enable the upload of a status files to the download location. (Only available for shared directory method)

Upload Event log

Enable the upload of the DISE Probe event log to the download location. (Only available for shared directory method)

Advanced Settings


Temporary reception directory

When probe downloads files it will always store files in a temporary location until all available data has been transferred. This lets you specify where DISE Probe will store that data for this download location.

Connection retries

The number of retries when a connection attempt fails.

File delete retries

DISE Probe deletes files and those files can sometimes be locked by other applications. Number of tries to delete the file.

Inform replay about update

Tell DISE Replay that new updates are available.

Do not remove files from destination directory

Prevent the update process to delete files from the destination directory, even if the files are deleted at the FTP or shared folder.

Execute received remote system files

If checked then diseupdate files will be executed.

Use a File List for information of what files to download

Instead of listing files on the FTP or shared network DISE Probe will try to download a file list with the name specified and then download the files specified in this list.
The file list's are usually created by DISE Bridge and will have the same name as the Destination or as a certain Player (as defined in DISE Bridge).
You only have to specify the name of the file list, the extention of .filelist will be added automatically.

Execute the following commands before starting transfer

List of commands to execute before transfer starts, can be applications or batch scripts. Probe will wait until all commands are executed before starting the transfer.
It is possible to copy and delete files using macros:

Example.png Copy srcfile to destfile:


Example.png Delete file:


Execute the following commands when the transfer has completed successfully

List of commands to execute after the transfer has completed successfully, can be applications or batch scripts. Probe will wait until all commands are executed.
Same macros for copy and delete as above.

Advanced FTP Settings


FTP connection mode

Specifies whether your connection will use Passive or Active FTP.
When Probe cannot connect even with the correct credentials, you might want to try changing this.

Info.png Read more: Active FTP vs. Passive FTP, a Definitive Explanation - slacksite.com

Max number of connections

DISE Probe can download multiple files at the same time which may increase the speed of the file transfer especially when small files are used. This setting specifies how many files will be downloaded at the same time.

FTP Proxy Settings

Proxy server settings.

SSL Certificate override

If the server offers security, DISE Probe will use it. This option gives you the option to specify a certain security certicate to use, if the server requires it. In this case you will need to enter a certificate file, a private key file, and a pass phrase.