Remote Updates

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Updating your players on remote may sometimes be necessary. This is especially true when you have many players, if you have no way of administering players remotely, or generally when it's convenient to automatically update players.

DISE update packages

The regular DISE installation and update packages can be distributed (see below) out to players. The update package will then take care of shutting down the running DISE applications, performing the update and starting them again.


In cases where more customization needs to be performed - to install other software, make changes to the registry, replace files or some other maintenance on the player - it is possible to edit an update script that can be compiled using NSIS (Nullsoft Scriptable Install System) and distribute (see below) it to all players.

Refer to the NSIS User Manual and contact support for more information on how to customize this update script.

Compiling the script

When compiled the script will produce a file called for example "diseupdate2006Feb28.exe", the date is added so that you will not mix up the versions. This file can then be run on any player/manager/monitor with a complete DISE installation, be default the script will show an user interface and let you manage any running applications and so on. If executed with the parameter /S the script will run silent and close down any running DISE applications automatically.


Lightbulb.png Note: It is very important to test the update before sending it to the actual players, since a small error in the script can cause problems in your system and stop players. While testing an update it is recommended to do that from clean ghosted player machine, so that any special behavior can be detected. At first you can run the update manually to check that it works, but later on you can test is through a test setup in Probe to make sure that the file is downloaded and executed as expected. Please make sure to check that no prompts for permissions will appear, as they require user interaction. These prompts will be displayed when UAC (User Account Control) is enabled, so make sure to disable it.

It is recommended to keep the update file in the destination directory since this will enable any new players or not-updated players to run the update at a later stage. When you then create yet another update you replace the old one and Probe will recognize this as a new file and then download the file and execute the new update. Probe will also execute files called 'diseupdate.bat' or 'diseupdate.vbs', both with the flag /S.


Contact support to get access to a customizable update script.