Playback Monitor

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To show the Playback Monitor, select Information > Playback monitor from the menu (both DISE Replay and DISE Composer).

The Playback monitor gives detailed information about exactly how the scenes and objects are displayed in real-time during playback. This information can be used to detect performance problems in the playback.

DISEReplay PlaybackMonitor.png

The dialog is split into two sections. To the left, current scenes and transitions are displayed. The line represents the current frame. The frame number can be seen at the top left and current movie and scene at the bottom left. The blue lines represent transitions. As you can see, during transitions, two scenes are played at the same time.

To the right, the scene cache is displayed. Scenes are loaded and rendered in advance to ensure an uninterrupted and smooth playback.

At the bottom you can select which channel to view. If you check “Show objects”, the individual objects on each scene will be visible as well.

If you increase the Zoom slider, the view will cover more frames.