Image transparency

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The image objects in DISE can display images with alpha channel, the alpha needs to be stored as an alpha mask in the image file.
The recommended formats supporting transparency are PSD, PNG or TIFF.

Info.png Read more: File format support

Adobe Photoshop

Photoshop can save transparency to PSD, TIFF, PNG, TGA and PICT images. There are different ways in doing this. Here are two examples:

1. Making a PNG.

  • Load the image.
  • Make the image RGB, Image > RGB.
  • Make a selection. The selected part will be the transparent part (make sure the layer is unlocked).
  • Delete the material in the selected areas.
  • Save the image using "Save For Web". Select PNG24.

2. Making a TIFF or PSD.

  • Load the image.
  • Make the image RGB, Image > RGB.
  • Make a selection, the selected part will be the non-transparent.
  • In the menu, use Select > Save Selection and give the Selection a name.
  • Now it is possible to modify the alpha channel.
  • Save the image and make sure that Alpha channel is checked in the save dialog.

Adobe Photoshop Elements

Adobe Photoshop Elements can create transparent PSD and TIFF images. Seems that you only have to create an image with transparency and then save it.

Jasc Paint Shop Pro (v9.01)

Paint Shop Pro (v9.01) can save transparency to PSD, TIFF and PNG images.

  • Load the image.
  • If the image contains an alpha mask already this can be loaded from Layers > Load / Save Mask > Load Mask From Alpha Channel.
  • Othervise you can create a mask with Layers / New Mask Layer.
  • You can edit your mask layer as you want.
  • To save the mask layer as an alpha channel go to Layers > Load / Save Mask > Save Mask To Alpha Channel.
  • Here you can add the mask to the image, if there already exists a Alpha Channel in the image you may want to save the new one with the same name to replace the current one.
  • Then save the image. For PSD and TIFF images you only need to save the image and the alpha channel will be saved as well. For PNG images you have to click Options in the Save dialog and then click on the Run Optimizer button, there in the Transparency tab you can select to use Alpha Channel Transparency. Then click Ok and save the image.