Audio Output Devices

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The concept of a virtual audio output device is a name that is associated with a physical audio output device. It is very similar to the concept of Capture Devices. Using the name to refer to the device makes it possible to specify where a specific video or sound should output audio, on the player. The process of associating a name with an audio output device on the manager must therefore be repeated on all players that will use it. A system default audio output device is always defined.




Open the Add/Edit Audio Output Device dialog which lets you add a virtual audio output device.


Device name
A descriptive name of the virtual output device, such as "announcement".
Output device
Select from a list of the system's currently available audio output devices, provided by Windows.


Edits the currently selected audio output device.

Lightbulb.png Note: On changing the name of an audio output device you will also have to change in the objects that use it.


Removes the currently selected audio output device.

Clear list

Removes all specified audio output devices (the default will remain).