No Publish to player(s) button
In the Interface tab in the DISE Composer Preferences, select Direct over LAN under Publish method.
No player detected
- The manager and player needs to be on the same local network (same subnet). If you have a router make sure multicast traffic can pass through unobstructed.
- UAC (User Account Control) is preventing the DISE Setup Wizard to install and start the SLP service. Disable UAC and run the Setup Wizard again.
- Make sure that the software firewall is setup correctly with exceptions for Composer.exe on the manager and Replay.exe, slpd.exe (located under /Lib in the DISE installation folder) on the player. The exceptions should be for all networks.
Read more: Network and file access
- Make sure the Network type is set to "Home" or "Work" and NOT "Public".
- The SLP service is not running or needs to restart.
- Open Services (Start > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services) Right-click the "Service Location Protocol" service, and then Restart.
The content is not changed
It seems the player is not updated although I send out new content.
- Restart DISE Replay.
- Explicitly add the DISEShare user with file write permissions to the content playback folder (displayed in the Directories tab in the Preferences).
Connecting or sending fails
- Disconnect the current connection between the manager and player:
- On the manager, in DISE Composer, go to the Interface tab in the Preferences and click the Disconnect button.
- On the player, in DISE Replay, go to the Directories tab in the Preferences and click the Disconnect button.
- On the player, open a command window, (Start [> Run] > cmd) and run the following commands:
Delete the DISEShare user and share:
net user DISEShare /delete
net share DISEShare /delete
- Next, run the DISE Setup Wizard again. This will recreate the share and user.
- On the player, make sure the direct download folder (which one is displayed on the Directories tab in the Replay Preferences) is shared and that the DISEShare user has full control. Explicitly add the DISEShare user with file write permissions to both the direct download and the content playback folder (also displayed in the Directories tab).