Player custom settings

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In a DISE Cloud system, players are strictly controlled through the DISE Server web UI. Nonetheless, sometimes player require customization to behave in a certain way. The table below lists the custom settings that can be sent to a player.

Lightbulb.png Note: If not specified otherwise, the custom settings are for DISE Premium players only.

How do I access the settings?

Go into a player, click the Options icon (the wrench and screwdriver) in the top right and select Settings, then click Custom settings. Click Add to create a new setting.


Available settings

Setting Data type Description Example value
AudioMute Bool Whether to mute all audio on the player (global). This custom setting is available directly in the Audio setting. 1
AudioVolume Integer Set the player's audio volume (global) to the specified percent value. 100 equals 100% in Windows. This custom setting is available directly in the Audio setting. 50
AudioVolumeSchedule String Comma separated list of volumes over a 24 hour period. Will override volume setting, but not mute setting. 0,0,0,0,0,0,50,50,50,50,50,50,50,50,50,100,70,70,50,50,0,0,0,0
ClockSyncServer String Name of SNTP server to use for clock synchronization.
ContentCachePath String Force use of alternative path for downloaded content. If the setting doesn't exist DISE will default to the best suitable drive. E:\MyContent
Debug Bool 0 = false, 1 = true. Show the output in windowed mode and without Always on top. 1
DisplayScheme String Force use of alternative display scheme (with extension .displayscheme). If no path is included in the filename it will look in the default download directory. Player2.displayscheme
DownloadProxy String Proxy to use for downloading content. Default is none. proxy://<proxy_host>:<proxy_port>
ExclusivePlayback Bool If active, playback will be done in Exclusive Direct3D mode. Default is 1 (true) 0
ForceScreenState Integer 0 = off, 1 = on, 2 = auto. Force power state of screen. 0
ForceUseNativeMediaPlayer Bool If true native media player will be used. If false HTML media player will be used. Default is device dependent. 0
FTPTransferMode Bool Control Probe Passive/Active FTP. Values accepted are Active and Passive. Passive is default. Active
Interlaced Bool If active, playback will use Interlaced mode in Direct3D. Default is 0 (false) 1
KeepImageVideoLoaded Bool 0 = false, 1 = true. Never remove images/video from cache. The default is false. 1
KeepWebPagesLoaded Bool 0 = false, 1 = true. Never remove web pages from cache. The default is false. 1
LedMode Bool 0 = false, 1 = true. Run in windowed mode, always on top. Combine with ScreenWidth/ScreenHeight and ScreenX/ScreenY settings (see above). 1
LogLevel Integer Log level to use. Emergency = 0, Alert = 1, Critical = 2, Error = 3, Warning = 4, Notice = 5, Info = 6, Debug = 7. 7
MulticastIp String The multicast IP to use for synchronization.
MulticastPort Integer The multicast IP port to use for synchronization. 4001
PreloadCacheDepth Integer Set number of scenes to preload in Replay 10
RebootComputerAt Integer Reboot the computer at specified hour every day (1 = 1 AM, 13 = 1 PM) 4
RebootReplayAt Integer Reboot the playback at specified hour every day (1 = 1 AM, 13 = 1 PM) 2
RemoteControlEnabled Integer Enable multicast remote control. 1
RestartPlaybackOnDisplayChange Bool If active, playback will be restarted if a change of display is detected (BETA). Default is 1 (false) 1
ScreenAdapter Integer Index of screen to show on. Default is 0 (first screen). 1
ScreenHeight Integer The custom height of the output window. 240
ScreenId Integer Id of screen to control from player. Default is all screens. 10
ScreenMAC Integer To allow Wake On Lan for Screen. MAC Address of screen.
ScreenRotation (DISE Premium) Integer Way of rotating the output screen content (0=No rotate, 1=90 deg. left, 2=180 deg, 3= 90 deg. right (270 deg)) 3
ScreenSaverMode Bool 0 = false, 1 = true. If the playback should only be active when the computer is idle. 1
ScreenSaverDelay Integer The amount of idle time in seconds to wait before activating the playback. 30
ScreenWidth Integer The custom width of the output window. 320
ScreenX Integer The custom X position of the output window (in Windows desktop coordinates). 100
ScreenY Integer The custom Y position of the output window (in Windows desktop coordinates). 1600
ShowMouseCursor Bool 0 = false, 1 = true. Show the mouse cursor (for instance for interactive presentations) 1
SimulateHardwareControl Bool 0 = false, 1 = true. Simulate the communication with hardware, for debug. 1
SimulateScreenControl Bool 0 = false, 1 = true. Simulate the communication with the screen, for debug. 1
SyncMode String Master or Slave. This will enable synchronization through multicast so it is important that players in sync are on the same subnet. Master
TestScreen Bool Show test screen. Default is 1 (false). 1
TimezoneOffset Integer Time zone offset in minutes from UTC 120
UseDirect3DEx Bool Change Direct3D9 Extended usage. Will change behavior of graphic card memory sharing and screen change detection (default is defined in DISEGlobal.settings, usually 1/true) 1
UseInternalRenderer Bool 0 = false, 1 = true. Default is "VMR9", enable to use "Internal" instead. 1
Var-X String Set a variable by the name "X" to the value denoted by value. gryffindor
WebServerEnabled Bool 0=false, 1=true. Enable HTTP REST API in Replay. 1
WebServerPort Integer Port for HTTP REST API 8888
WOLBroadcast String To allow Wake On Lan for Screen. WOL Broadcast IP. Probably X.X.X.255 or similar. 1
WriteIntellisenseFile String Write Intellisense file for makerSign players. (Written to /sdcard/cenique/intelliSense/Logs/​) 1