Access Microsoft Exchange

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DISE Parser has the ability to connect to a Microsoft Exchange server to fetch calendar data. The output from the Parser software is a text document which is then data connected in DISE.

Lightbulb.png Note: There is as of yet no drag-and-drop calendar feature in DISE! You will need to put a little bit more effort into it :)

Exchange 2010

Exchange 2010 servers are queried using EWS (Exchange Web Services). For this there is a special Exchange modifier.


  • In DISE Parser, click File > Import and select the file "Samples\exchange.dpmodifiers".
  • Doubleclick the Action modifier and type in the mail address of the calendar to get.
  • Doubleclick the Exchange modifier.
  • (If needed) type in the Server URI to the "Exchange.asmx" service file of the server.
  • Type in the username (mail address) and password to use to authenticate.

Office 365

Do as above and enter "" in the Server URI field.

Exchange 2003/2007

Microsoft Exchange 2003/2007 servers are queried using WebDAV. A javascript creates the connection and sends a WebDAV request to the server, and formats the response.

The sample javascript fetches today's calendar.


  • Open the file Exchange2003.js / Exchange2007.js in a text or source editor.
  • Go to the section starting from line 458/459.

Example.png Settings:

var settings=
	server: "",
	username: "",
	password: "",
	// Where to put the resulting text files
	outputPath: "",
	// Where to put the cookie file
	cookiePath: ""

These are server-specific settings that the script will use. Set the "server" setting to the base URL to the server (if for example you connect to the Outlook Web Access at "" then enter "").
Set the "outputPath" and "cookiePath" to the paths to directories on the computer. Remember that backslashes in the paths must be escaped as such: "E:\dir1\dir2" -> "E:\\dir1\\dir2".
  • Starting with the following lines are settings for which calendar to access:

Example.png Resource calendars:

var resources=
	"name": "account"

The "name" is what the produced text file will be called and the "account" is the account to connect to.
  • The sample javascript may be modified as you wish. If you need help on further customization, please contact support.
  • Click the + button and select the General > Script modifier to add the script to Parser.
  • In the Script modifier settings, browse to the javascript file (Exchange2003.js/Exchange2007.js).
  • Click Test to trial run the script and Stop test to stop it.